Rumi verseinek fordtsai
2013.02.13. 16:10
Rumi 12. szzadi szufi misztikus klt, gynyr verseinek nem tudtam ellenllni s elkezdtem lefordtani ket. Folyamatosan frisstem, ahogy elkszlk egy jabb fordtssal. Mellkelem az angol szveget is, melyet hasznltam.
Frisstve jnius 5 jak a vgn
Love came,
and became like blood in my body.
It rushed through my veins and
encircled my heart.
Everywhere I looked,
... I saw one thing.
Love's name written
on my limbs,
on my left palm,
on my forehead,
on the back of my neck,
on my right big toe…
Oh, my friend,
all that you see of me
is just a shell,
and the rest belongs to love.
A szeretet jtt
S testem vrv vlt
Ereken tszguldva
Krbefutotta szvemet
S most, me ltom
A Szeretet nevt
Felrva kezemen
Ott van bal tenyeremben
Homlokomon pecstt vlt
A nyakam hta rejti
s a jobb nagylbujjam is…
Drga bartom
Amit ltsz bellem
Az csak res hj
A tbbi a szeretet birtoka
(Rumi. Angolbl fordtotta Kovcs Gabriella)
You have no idea how hard I've looked
for a gift to bring You.
Nothing seemed right.
What's the point of bringing gold to
the gold mine, or water to the ocean.
Everything I came up with was like
taking spices to the Orient.
It's no good giving my heart and my
soul because you already have these.
So I've brought you a mirror.
Look at yourself and remember me.
Fel nem foghatod, mennyit kerestem
Mlt ajndkot Neked
Nem jutott semmi eszembe
Hisz’ mirt kne vinni
Aranybnyba kszert
A mrhetetlen tengerbe vizet
Fszert a mess keletre
Szvem, s lelkem sem adhatom
Hiszen mr rktl Tid
gyhogy hoztam egy tkrt
Nzz magadra s emlkezz rm
"Where Everything Is Music"
by Jelaluddin Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
Don't worry about saving these songs!
And if one of our instruments breaks,
it doesn't matter.
We have fallen into the place
where everything is music.
The strumming and the flute notes
rise into the atmosphere,
and even if the whole world's harp
should burn up, there will still be
hidden instruments playing.
So the candle flickers and goes out.
We have a piece of flint, and a spark.
This singing art is sea foam.
The graceful movements come from a pearl
somewhere on the ocean floor.
Poems reach up like spindrift and the edge
of driftwood along the beach, wanting!
They derive
from a slow and powerful root
that we can't see.
Stop the words now.
Open the window in the center of your chest,
and let the spirits fly in and out.
Ahol minden muzsika
Ne aggdj, ha nem tudod megjegyezni e dalt
s nem baj,
Ha eltrik hangszered
Bezuhantunk oda,
Hol minden muzsika
s ha az egsz vilg
sszes hrfja elg
Itt mg mindig zengenek
A rejtett hangszerek
A lgbl szll el
A megpendl hr szava
Hogyha a gyertya ellobban
Mg van egy kis kovnk,
S itt van a szikra
A tenger habja dalol
s kagylban a gyngy
dvt hordoz a mlyben
A vers forgszele kl
s a tengerparton hever
Vz-kivetette fahasb
Lassan lthatatlan s
Ers gykeret ereszt
Elg a szbl!
Nyissl ablakot mellkasod kzepn
s engedd, hogy a lelkek
Rpkdjenek ki-be rajta
I looked upon every Cross, in every church,
yet He was not there.
I went to the temples of India
and the shrines of China
yet He was not there.
... I searched the mountains of Herat and Candalar
yet He was not there.
I scaled the distant peak of Mount Qaf
only to find
the empty nest of the Phoenix.
I visited the Ka’be
but He was not in that tourist site
amidst the pilgrims young and old.
I read the books of Avicenna
but His wisdom went beyond all the words.
I went to the highest court,
within the distance of “two-bow lengths,”
yet He was not there.
Then I looked within my own heart
and there I found Him-
Felnztem minden templom sszes keresztjre
De nem volt ott.
India templomaiba s
Kna pagodiba mentem
De ott sem volt
Herat s Kandalr hegyeit kutattam
De t ott se leltem
Elmentem egszen a Qaf hegy tvoli cscsig
De csak a Fnix
res fszkt talltam.
A Kba khz is elutaztam
De nem volt ott sem a zarndokok,
Sem a turistk kztt.
Avicenna knyvt olvastam
De az blcsessge tl van szavakon.
A legfelsbb mltsg el
Jrultam, kzelebb, mint lehetett volna
De ott sem volt.
Aztn a szvembe nztem
s ott megleltem t
All night, a man called “God”
Until his lips were bleeding.
Then his Adversary said, “Hey! Mr Gullible!
... How comes you’ve been calling all night
And never once heard God say, “Here, I AM”?
... You call out so earnestly and, in reply, what?
I’ll tell you what. Nothing!”
The man suddenly felt empty and abandoned.
Depressed, he threw himself on the ground
And fell into a deep sleep.
In a dream, he met an angel, who asked,
“Why are you regretting calling out to God?”
The man said, “ I called and called
But God never replied, “Here I AM.”
The Angel explained, “God has said,
“Your calling my name is My reply.
Your longing for Me is My message to you.
All your attempts to reach Me
Are in reality My attempts to reach you.
Your fear and love are a noose to catch Me.
In the silence surrounding every call of “God”
Waits a thousand replies of “Here I AM.”
Egy ember minden jjel
Addig kiltott Istenrt
Mg ajkait kiverte a vr
Akkor az Ellener szlt: H, Hiszkeny r!
Hogy lehet az, hogy folyton hvod
s Isten egyszer sem szl: „Itt VAGYOK”?
Oly ersen szltod s mi a vlasz?
Megmondom n! Semmise!
Ekkor res s elhagyott lett
Szomoran fldre rogyott
s mly lom lepte meg t.
lmban angyal jtt fel, s krdi
„Mirt nem szltod tbb Istened?”
Az ember szlt: hvtam s hvtam
De Istenem nem vlaszolt
Sose mondta, hogy Itt VAGYOK”
Ekkor az angyal elmagyarzta:
„ A szltsod vlaszom.
zenetem a kapcsolat
Melyet felm kinylva krsz
Ezen keresztl rlek el
Szereteted s flelmed az
Ami rkk hozzm ktz.
Minden kimondott „Istenem”
Kztti, llegzetnyi csend
Ezerszeres vlaszt ragyog
Ezerszer zengi: Itt VAGYOK”
I said, meet me in the garden.
You know the one--
it is called Smiling Spring.
There are nightingales chirping away,
wine and candle lights,
and companions as soft as
pomegranate blossoms.
You think this all would sound so perfect!
But without you by my side,
what use is the Smiling Spring?
And when you are with me,
what use are pomegranate blossoms?
Krtem, tallkozzunk abban a kertben
Ismered jl--
Mosolyg Tavasznak hvjk
Csicserg flemle szl
Bor s gyertyafny
A finom trsasg
Gyengd, mint a grntalma-virg
Tkletesnek hangzik, ugye?
De nlkled mi haszna
Mit r a Mosolyg Tavasz?
s ha velem vagy, akkor meg minek,
Mivgre a grntalma-virg?