Diksa : Napi s heti Egysg tantsok |
Napi s heti Egysg tantsok
2013.12.05. 15:09

Frisstve 2014 jan 16
Betelt! lsd aaz jabb menpontot
Heti tants:
A Felbredett Egyn szmra az tlagos az rendkvli.
For the Awakened One the ordinary is extraordinary.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Az egszsges kapcsolat boldog letet jelent
A healthy relationship means a happy living
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Az let valdi mvszete annak teljes megtapasztalsa, ami ppen zajlik
The true art of living is to completely experience whatever is going on
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Ha fjdalom van jelen, s azt teljesen megtapasztalod,
akkor a msik ember felhagy a bntsoddal
If there is pain and when you experience it totally,
the other person would stop hurting you
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Olyan lnyek vagyunk, akik konfliktusban vannak nmagukkal s msokkal,
s ez a konfliktus csak megnyilvnul a klvilgban.
We are beings who are in conflict with ourselves and in conflict with others.
And that conflict only is manifesting in the external world.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Maradj azzal, ami van
Stay with the what is
Sri Amma Bhagavan
A tuds szabadsg
Knowledge is freedom
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Az elme a "valamiv vls" igyekezete
The mind is the activity of 'Becoming'
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Az elme egy brtn, amely nem engedi, hogy megtapasztaljuk az letet
The mind is a jail; it does not allow us to experience life
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Mikor azonostjuk magunkat az elmvel, elrontjuk/sszezavarjuk a dolgokat
When we identify ourselves with the mind, we mess up things
Sri Amma Bhagavan
A flelem trgya vltozhat; azonban a legmlyn flelmet hordoz
elme termszete vezredeken t vltozatlan marad
The object of fear may have changed; but the nature of mind with fear
at its core has remained unchanged over millennia
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Az let szpsge minden dolog automatizmusa
The automaticity of everything is the beauty of life
Sri Amma Bhagavan
A gondolkods ltrehozza a gondolkod illzijt
Thinking creates an illusion of a thinker
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Azrt szenvednk, mert tvesen azonostjuk magunkat a gondolatainkkal s az elmvel
We suffer because we falsely identify ourselves with our thoughts and the mind
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Hogyha elkezded keresni a lehetsgeket, automatikusan bsg-tudatossgra teszel szert.
If you go on looking out for opportunities, you will automatically acquire wealth consciousness.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
A gondolatok tbb ezer v alatt alakultak ki, s nem a mieink.
Thoughts have evolved over thousands of years, and they are not ours.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Heti tants:
A Felbredett rintett, de nem zavart.
A nem felbredett nem rintett, de zavart.
The Awakened One is affected but not disturbed.
The Unawakened One is not affected but disturbed.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Az emberi lnyek egy kollektv organizmust alkotnak
Human beings are collective organism.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
A jelen egyenl a jelenlttel / A most a jelenlt / A jelen a jelenlt
The present is the presence
Sri Amma Bhagavan
A felbreds kiszabaduls az elme brtnbl
Awakening is freedom from the prison of the mind
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Csak azt csinlni, amit szeretnk, az az elme irnytsa.
Szeretni azt, amit csak csinlunk, az a szabadsg.
Doing only what we like is mind management.
Liking whatever we do is freedom.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Heti tants:
A Felbredett nem foglal llst.
A nem felbredett llst foglal.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
A felbreds a szenvedsre az bersgen keresztl szabadsghoz vezet.
Szabadsghoz vezet az, ha rbrednk a szenvedsre (ford KG)
Awakening to suffering through awareness leads to freedom.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Azokat, akik visszautastjk a kockzatot s a fejldst, elnyeli az let.
Those of us who refuse to risk and grow get swallowed up by life.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Valahnyszor msoknak akarsz segteni, az imidra erteljes vlaszt kapsz.
Whenever you want to help others, your prayers will be powerfully answered.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
A megads a tehetetlensg rzete
(A tehetetlensg rzete a megads)
To surrender is to feel helpless
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Heti tants:
A Felbredett nem ragad le egy nzpontnl.
A nem felbredett leragad egy nzpontnl.
The Awakened One does not take a position.
The unawakened one takes a position.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Az emberekkel val kapcsolatod hatssal van az Istenivel val kapcsolatodra.
Your relationships with people affects your relationship with the Divine.
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Istennek nem a hit trgynak, hanem a valsgnak kell lennie szmodra!
God should not be a matter of belief, but must be a reality to you!
Sri Amma Bhagavan
A problma maga az elme
The mind itself is the problem
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Ahogyan egy felbredett mkdik, az teljessggel megjsolhatatlan, viszont a vlaszai tkletesek.
How an awakened one functions is totally unpredictable, but his responses would be perfect. Sri Amma Bhagavan
A problmid az elmbl fakadnak.
Ennlfogva az elme nem kpes semmilyen problmt megoldani
Your problems arise from your mind.
Therefore the mind cannot solve any problem
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Az(, hogy milyen az) leted attl fgg, hogy milyen Istent teremtesz magadnak
Your life depends on the kind of God you have created
Sri Amma Bhagavan
Heti tants:
A felbredett megbzhat s mindenkit biztonsghoz segt