Diksa : Napi s heti Egysg tantsok |
Napi s heti Egysg tantsok
2014.04.24. 17:09

Frisstve jnius 28
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Az Egysg Egyeteme most egy ideig sznetelteti a napi tantsok kldst, az grtk, a jvben folytatjk majd. Addig is olvasgasstok a rgebbieket
Mikor azt ltod, hogy nem te vagy a cselekv, akkor lekapcsoldsz. - Egysg Egyetem
When you see you are not the doer, you get detached. - Oneness University
Heti tants:
A Felbredett nem adja t magt az lmodozsnak.
The Awakened One does not indulge in day dreaming.
Ami szmodra a valsg, az pusztn mindannak a zavar hatsa, ami keresztlfolyik az rzkeiden. - Egysg Egyetem
Reality to you is only merely the interference of what is flowing through the senses. - Oneness University
Mikor a lts megtrtnik, az sszes szenvedsnek vge szakad, mivel "ltni annyi, mint szabadnak lenni". - Egysg Egyetem
When seeing happens, all suffering ceases; because 'to see is to be free'. - Oneness University
Mikor felbredett vagy, nincs tltet a tartalomban. - Egysg Egyetem
When you are awakened, there is no charge in the content - Oneness University
Az ltalad gondolatban a jvrl rendszeresen ltrehozott elkpzelsek az okai a flelemnek. - Egysg Egyetem
The images you are habitually generating in thought about the future are the cause of fear. - Oneness University
Csak akkor vagy jban a vilggal, mikor jl rzed magad sajt magaddal.
It is only when you are comfortable with yourself then you are at ease with the world.
A csodk termszetes trtnsek mindenki letben. Az Isteni terv rszei. - Egysg Egyetem
Miracles are natural occurrences in every life. They are part of the Divine scheme. - Oneness University
Az let a cselekedeteid tkre. - Egysg Egyetem
Life is a mirror of your actions. - Oneness University
Ha mindenki az Isteni akaratt kveti, tbb nem lesz problma a Fldn. - Egysg Egyetem
If everybody follows the Divine will, there will be no problem on earth. - Oneness University
Mikor megvltozik az, ahogyan a valsgot tapasztaljuk, akkor a ltezs s szeretet j idszakt fogjuk felfedezni. - Egysg Egyetem
When our experience of reality changes, we would discover new days of living and loving. - Oneness University
Te nem a cselekv vagy, hanem a tan, aki vgignz mindent.
You are not the doer, but the witness who is watching it all.
Heti tants:
Ahogy segtesz msokat, a szved kivirgzik.
As you keep helping others, your heart flowers. - Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az elme kzbelpse nlkl brmely tapasztals rmmel teli lenne.
Without the interference of the mind, any experience would give joy
A felbreds a benned lv Istenivel val kommunikci llapota
Awakening is a state of communication with the Divine in you. - Oneness University
A szv kivirgzsa vgl elvezet a szemlyes n kozmikus tudatba val beleolvadshoz. Flowering of the heart ulitmately leads to the dissolution of the individual self in the cosmic self. - Oneness University
Az leted nem egy vletlen egybeess, hanem a sajt tetteid tkre. - Egysg Egyetem
Your life is not a coincidence but a mirror of your own doings. - Oneness University
Egy felbredett egyn csupn azt fogja megfigyelni, ami van.
Ez a valdi lts a megszabaduls. - Egysg Egyetem
An awakened person will just be watching all that is. That very seeing is liberation.
Oneness University
Az, hogy az egyn vgyai milyen gyorsan teljeslnek, az egyn kapcsolataitl fgg.
Mikor az egyn kapcsolatai rendben vannak, az lds befogadsa nagyon gyorss vlik
The speed at which one's desires are granted depends on one's relationships.
When one's relationships are in order, receiving grace becomes very easy.
Oneness University
Minden egyn - fggetlenl attl, hogy hol van - felels azrt, hogy milyen vilgban lnk.
Every individual irrespective of where he is, is responsible for the kind of world we live in.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Heti tants:
Minden problma gykere egyre inkbb beragad rzelmileg.
The root of all problems is getting emotionally stuck.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A helyzetek, amelyekkel tallkozunk, a problmk, amelyekkel szembenznnk, az lettapasztalatok, amelyeket meglnk, a belvilgunk kivetlsei.
The situations we come across, the problems we confront, the life experiences we have are a projection of what lies within.
Az let mindig visszaadja neked azt, amit kifel rasztasz/kibocstasz. - Egysg Egyetem
Life always gives you back what you give out. - Oneness University
Csak egyetlen tudatossg ltezik. - Egysg Egyetem
There is only one consciousness. - Oneness University
Felbredni annyi mint tannak lenni. - Egysg Egyetem
Awakening is to witness. - Oneness University
Az letet gy kellene lnnk, ahogyan az hozznk rkezik/megtrtnik velnk; nem gy, ahogyan mi akarjuk, hogy legyen. - Egysg Egyetem
Life should be lived as it comes to us; not as we want to be. - Oneness University
Az let esemnyek radata - nmelyik fjdalmas, nmelyik lvezetes.
Life is a flow of events; some painful, some pleasurable
Sri BhagavathiBhagavan
A Felbreds a bels csend llapota.
Awakening is a state of inner silence.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Heti tants:
A felbredett egyn madrtvlatbl lt mindent.
The Awakened One has a bird's eye view of everything.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az let csak akkor teljes, ha a szeretet minden formjt polod.
Life is complete only when you nurture love in all its forms.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A kapcsolatok minden problmja alapveten a fjdalombl ered (srtettsgbl –KG).
All problems in relationships can basically be traced to hurt.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A fkuszlt s cljt megtall egynhez a kegyelem automatikusan beramlik.
The one who is focused and has discovered his goal, grace flows automatically.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az let elfogadsa boldogsghoz vezet.
Acceptance of life leads to happiness.
Sri BhagavathiBhagavan
Az elfogads nem azonos a kompromisszummal. A kompromisszum kzdelemmel s erfesztssel jr, mg az elfogads = ramls azzal, "ami van".
Acceptance is not compromise. Compromise involves struggle and effort.
Whereas acceptance is to flow whit the 'what is'.
Sri BhagavathiBhagavan
Az let nem egy megoldand problma, hanem egy folyamat, amit lni kell.
Life is not a problem to be solved but a process to be lived
Sri BhagavathiBhagavan
Egy szvbl jv ima behvja a vlaszt a vilg brmely rszrl, s csodknak leszel tanja.
A prayer done in your heart invokes a response from any part of the globe,
and what you would witness are miracles.
Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan
Heti tants:
Brmilyen "ami van"-tl val elmozduls szenveds.
Any movement away from the 'what is' is 'suffering'.
Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan
Spirituality is to live life in its totality.
A spiritualits = lni az letet nmaga teljessgben.
Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan
Az "ami van" el nem fogadsa ellenlls, az ellenlls pedig szenveds.
Not accepting the 'what is' is resistance; and the resistance is suffering
Sri BhagavathiBhagavan
Elvrni vagy trekedni arra, hogy szeretetet kapjunk a msiktl sokkal fontosabb vlt,
mint megosztani vagy adni a szeretetet
Expecting or seeking love from the other, has become more important
than sharing or giving love
Sri BhagavathiBhagavan
Ahol teljessg van, ott az erny termszetes mdon kivirgzik.
Where there is integrity, there is natural flowering of virtue
Sri BhagavathiBhagavan
A gondolataink, szavaink s tetteink tlnyom rsze az elmbl jn.
Most of our thoughts, words and actions come from the mind
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Ha a szved nincs kivirgozva, az azt jelenti, hogy az elme keretei kztt mkdsz.
If your heart has not flowered, it means you are functioning within the framework of the mind
Sri BhagavathiBhagavan
Szenvedsz, mert nem vagy res.
You suffer because you are not empty.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Heti tants:
Meditci trtnik a meditl tvolltben.
Meditation happens in the absence of the meditator.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Amikor a benned lv hbor abbamarad, nem lesz tbb hbor a vilgban.
The day war stops inside you; there will be no more wars in the world.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A szertartsok segtenek azon rtkek tmogatsban, melyek beteljeslst hoznak.
Rituals help to uphold values that bring fulfillment
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az letet komolyan kell venni s intenzven meglni,
m mindekzben tudni, hogy ez egy jtk.
Life has to be taken seriously, lived intensely, but know it is a game
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Mikor nincs jelen "n", az egsz vilg egy nagy csald.
When there is no self, the whole world is one big family.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Flsz sajt magadtl. Ha elveszted a sajt magadtl val flelmet,
akkor elveszted a flelmet minden mstl is.
You are afraid of yourself. If you lose fear of yourself, you lose fear of everything else
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A klcsns elfogads szabadsgknt jelenik meg a kapcsolatokban
Mutual respect manifests as freedom in relationships.
Sri BhagavathiBhagavan
Mg az egysg megoldja a problmkat, a vltozatlansg ltrehozza ket.
While oneness resolves problems, sameness creates problems.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
(Szikszai Nikolett fordtsa)
Heti tants:
A szabadsg nem az "ami van" talakulsban, hanem annak megfigyelsben van.
Freedom is not in the transformation of the 'what is'. It is in witnessing the 'what is'.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A lts egy ncl.
Megltni valamit maga a vgcl (ford FM)
Seeing is an end in itself.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az Univerzum nem ms, mint tapasztals/megismers.
The Universe is nothing but an experience
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Brmi, amit teljes figyelemmel vgznk, spiritulis cselekedet.
Anything done with total attention is a spiritual act
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A spiritulis s a vilgias klnvlasztsa hamis.
The division between the spiritual the worldly is untrue.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az let szmottevbb rsze soha nem rthet meg, hanem csupn megtapasztalhat.
Az let legnagyobb rszt nem lehet megrteni, csak megtapassztalni (ford KG)
The greater part of life can never be understood, but only experienced
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az integrits nem a msiknak val beismersrl,
hanem a sajt magunkhoz val szintesgrl szl.
Integrity is not about confessing to another, but about being thruthful with oneself.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Heti tants:
Az ellenllsunk tudatba kerlse az talakulsi folyamat.
Becoming aware of one's resistance is the process of transformation.
Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan
Amg sszehasonlts vezrli az leted, tlkezs lesz jelen.
As long as comparison rules your life, there would be judgment.
Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan
A szemlyes szenveds hinya az, amit felbredsnek hvunk.
It is the absence of personal suffering that we call awakening.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A szeretet hinya a forrsa minden harcnak.
A szeretet hinya minden harc gykere (ford KG)
The absence of love is the root of all strife
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
bersg = let
Awareness is life.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az emberi lnyek r lettek szoktatva a tapasztalstl val elmozdulsra; innen ered az unalom
Human beings have go habituated to move away from experience; hence boredom
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A szertartsok szervezik az letet, s lehetv teszik az egyn szmra,
hogy a lehet kevesebb konfliktussal ljen.
Rituals organizes life and enables one to live with least conflict
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A siker nem eleve elrendelt, hanem azokra a kihvsokra adott vlaszok eredmnye, melyekkel az let megtall tged.
Success is not predetermined, but it is the result of responses to the challenges
that life throws at you.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A szertartsok elvezethetnek tged egy mdosult tudatllapothoz.
Rituals can lead you to an altered state of consciousness
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Heti tants:
A teljes figyelemre val kptelensg az elgedetlensg gykroka.
The inability to pay total attention is the root of discontent
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Egy sikeres emberi lny lds a trsadalom szmra,
mert nagyon termszetes mdon akar hozzjrulni.
A successful human being is a blessing to the society
because he very naturally wants to contribute.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Mikor az "n" teljessggel kifejezsre jut, akkor termszetes mdon eltnik.
The self when expressed completely, naturally withers away.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Sikeresnek lenni nem csak az egyn, hanem a kzssg szintjn is hasznos.
Being successful is helpful not only at the individual level, but also at the collective level
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Egy sikeres ember boldog csaldot, munkahelyet s trsadalmat hoz ltre
A successful person creates a happy family, a happy work place and a happy society.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az oktats segt neked megtanulni az let mvszett.
Education helps you to learn the art of living.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A sors maga gy mkdik, hogy szabad akarathoz vezet; s a szabad akarat a sorshoz vezet.
Destiny works itself leading to free will; and free will leading to destiny.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Amikor az n kinyilvntsa vissza van utastva, rtalmas mdon fejezi ki nmagt.
When the self is denied of expression, it expresses itself destructively.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Heti tants:
A figyelem hevben a bels prbeszd talakulson megy keresztl.
Under the heat of attention, the inner dialoge undergoes a transformation
A kondicionls a sors eredmnye; s a sors a kondicionls eredmnye.
Conditioning is a result of destiny; and destiny, a result of conditioning.
-Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Tanulj meg klnbsget tenni az elklnls s a kzmbssg kzt!
Learn to distinguish between detachment and indifference
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A reakciid az rzelmi llapotodat s a kondicionltsgodat tkrzik.
Your reactions reflects your emotional state and conditioning.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A Swadharma jelentse: hnek lenni a termszetnkhz
Swadharma is being true to one's nature.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A tudatossg mlyebb szintjein a gondolat s a valsg nem klnbzik.
At deeper levels of consciousness, thought and reality are not different.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan