Diksa : Napi s heti Egysg tantsok |
Napi s heti Egysg tantsok
2014.01.19. 19:05
A legjabb napi s heti Egysg tantsok Frisstve pr 15
A tudatossg mlyebb szintjein a gondolat s a valsg nem klnbzik.
At deeper levels of consciousness, thought and reality are not different.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A teremts igaz termszetnl fogva ketts: a rend s rendezetlensg sszjtka.
Creation by its very nature is dual, it is an interplay of order and disorder.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az ellentte nlkl nem ltezhet teremts.
Without the opposite there cannot be creation.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Heti tants:
Egy zajong sokasg van benned; ennek a zajnak a hallgatsa a meditci.
There is a crowd inside you creating a lot of noise; listening to that noise is meditation.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az intelligencia az, amikor az elme szabad a mlttl.
Intelligence is, when the mind is free of the past.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Minden dolognak addig van rtke s jelentsge, amg el nem rjk
/ amg meg nem valsul.
All things have a value and a meaning until they are achieved
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Minden gyermekkel reztetni kellene, hogy klnleges; s soha nem sszehasonltani.
Every child should be made to feel unique; so never compare
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az elme a tlls irnti szksg(let)tl hajtva folyamatosan a jv fel mozdul el.
The mind in its need for survival continuously keeps moving into the future
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az elme megsznne ltezni, ha nem lenne a folyamatos valamiv vls.
The mind would cease to exist if there is no becoming all the time
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A figyelem ott kezddik, mikor megtanulsz klnbsget tenni
a figyels s a meghallgats kzt.
Listening begins when you learn to discriminate between listening and hearing
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A sors s a szabad akarat elvlaszthatalanok
Destiny and free will are inseparable
Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan
Heti tants:
A felbredett hasznt veszi a vilgnak
A nem felbredettet felhasznlja a vilg
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A siker vagy buks attl fgg, miknt tekintnk r.
Success or failure depends on how it is wiewed
A szv kivirgzshoz rendbe kell hoznod a kapcsolataidat.
For the heart to flower, one should set right relationships.
Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Mikor a szved kivirgzik, akkor kpess vlsz a kedves szavakra,
a gyengd rintsre s a gygyt szeretetre.
When your heart flowers, you become capable of kind words,
gentle touch and a healing love
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A konfliktus hinya az energia elcsendesedshez/nyugodtt vlshoz vezet, mely felbreszti az intelligencit.
Absence of conflict leads to stillness of energy, which awakens intelligence
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Nem szmt, mit mond a msik; ha figyelmet tudsz szentelni mindannak,
ami benned zajlik, legyen az brmi - az a figyelem
No matter what the other is talking, if you could pay attention to
whatever is happening inside you, that is listening.
. - Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A figyelem akkor kvetkezik be, mikor kpes vagy ltni azt, ami trtnik veled.
Listening occurs when you could see what is happening to you
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az elmd az sszes tuds jtsztere.
Your mind is the play field of all learning.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Heti tants:
Elmozdulni attl, "ami van" az szenveds.
Moving away from the 'what is' is suffering.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Bekvetkezik a teremts, amikor mlttl val szabadsg van jelen.
Creation occurs, when there is freedom from the past.
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Ahol odafigyels van, ott tanuls megy vgbe.
Where there is listening, learning takes place
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az sszpontosts/koncentrci egy gyakorlat, ellenben a meditci egy llapot.
Concentration is a practise; whereas meditation is a state
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Tudatban lenni az egnak mkds kzben = szabadd vlni az egtl.
Awareness of ego in action is to be free of the ego
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Az elfogads a konfliktus feloldshoz vezet.
Acceptance leads to dissolution of conflict
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
A meditci nem a valahova megrkezs szndka,
hanem az azzal val marads, ami ppen ott van.
Meditation is not an intention to arrive somewhere but is to be with whatever is there
- Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan
Heti tants:
Spiritulisnak lenni annyi, mint azzal lenni, "ami van".
Being with the 'what is' is to be spiritual.
Ha csak az ego okozta puszttst ltnd, egomentes volnl.
If you would only see the destruction caused by the ego, you will be free of the ego.
Boldogsg van jelen, amikor kinylsz (kapcsoldsz) a msikhoz.
Boldogsg, mikor rintkezsbe lpsz valaki mssal (ford. Katlan Krisztina)
There is happiness when you reach out to another.
Az let nmagban egy rmteli tapasztals.
Life by itself is a joyous experience
A gondolatnak az a szoksa, hogy elkpzeli (kivetti) az ellenkezjt.
Thought has the habit of projecting the opposite
A tan-llapot egy trtns.
Witnessing is a happening
A szeretet vagy a gyllet lett is lheted.
You could live a life of love or hatred.
A szksg, hogy "valakik" legynk, s a flelem, hogy "senkik" vagyunk,
az a tlls irnti kzdelem.
A need to be a ‘somebody’ and the fear of being a ‘nobody’ is the struggle for survival.
Heti tants:
Azzal lenni "ami van" az meditci.
Being with the 'what is' is meditation.
Amikor nem kzdesz nmagaddal, az let egy nnepls.
When you are not struggling with yourself, life is a celebration.
Az let hajthatatlan trekvse, hogy rvegyen, hogy lj
Life's relentless pursuit is to make you live