Main Menu in English
2008.12.29. 15:08

You can see on the left the menu
YMAA TAI CH hrek s oktats: The informations about the classes and seminars, actualityes
Bemutatkozs: Introducing and biography
Cikkek, rdekessgek: There are articles and esses.
Kptr: Picture gallery
- Taiji pictures
- International Training Camp in Portugal
- My family and animals (P)
- Pictures from the ancient times (P)
-Israel- the most beautyful country (P)
- Mascarade parties (P)
- 2006 International Training Camp in Brenna, Poland
- Forms
- Training camp in Budapest, 2008
The (P) means: personal pictures
Napl: Diary
Vendgknyv: Guest book, You can write to it!
Versek s prza: There are poems and novels
Receptek Cooking recipes (mostly vegetarian)
Gyakorlatok: practises
Mantrk, szdhank, cikkek: Mantras (holy chants) sadhanas (some kind of practising) aricles
Linkek Links:
- Master Yang's page
- YMAA Boston
- YMAA Retreat Center
- YMAA Poland
- World Taiji Day
- Our school in the World Taiji Page
- YMAA France
- YMAA Portugal
- Solara's page (11:11)
- My poems in a common literature page
Diksa: Deeksha: the teachings and actualitys of the Oneness University and the Hungarian Oneness Community