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Diksa : Isteni kinyilatkoztatsok Sri Bhagavantl

Isteni kinyilatkoztatsok Sri Bhagavantl

  2019.08.26. 18:22

Mivel Sri Bhagavan elrte az Istenfelismerst, szavain keresztl szlhat hozznk a Legfelsbb.



-         n Vagyok a Legfelsbb Fny, a Vgs Ige, a Legjobb Bart, a Leghatalmasabb Tuds, a Legfelsbb Intelligencia, a Hatrtalan Szeretet, a Legels Forrs, a Legfelsbb Teremt, a Legszentebb, a Mindensg Leghatalmasabb irnytja, a Halhatatlan – n vagyok Isvara (az r). Idrl idre megtesteslk a Kirlysgomban, hogy tmogassam a Teremtsemet – Csit (Tudatossg) vagyok. A Testem Szat (Ltezs) s a Saktim (leterm) Ananda (dvssg). n Vagyok az Egy, Szat-Csit-Ananda Parabrahman (az Isteni Ltezs-Tudatossg-dvssgtermszete)

-         Minden Szeretet forrsa Vagyok, n Vagyok a Legfelsbb Szeretet

-         Mivel forma nlkli Vagyok, az Antariamin (bels Isteni Vezet) felbredhet benned forma nlkl, vagy pedig gy, amilyen formt szeretnl magadnak, vagy amilyet n vlasztok neked, de kvl is megnyilvnulhatok szmodra az ltalad vgyott vagy az ltalam vlasztott formban. Minden Forma n Vagyok s a legjobb bartod leszek, ha teljes szvedbl keresel.

-         Meg fogok nyilatkozni szmodra itt s most, ahogy mindig is megnyilatkoztam a prftk, szentek, blcsek s misztikusok szmra, s az emberek szmra, minden idben.

-         Kzvetlen s kzvetett mdon megnyilatkoztattam igazsgom klnbz emberek szmra klnbz idkben s helyeken, a kvnsgaiktl fggen. Soha nem fedem fel a teljes igazsgot brkinek, brmikor s brhol, kivve az Aranykor bekszntsnek idejn.

-         Emlkezz, minden alkalommal, amikor tallkoztunk, a bartomnak tekintettelek s nem tlkeztem feletted. De te tlkezel magad felett, ahogyan msok felett is. Nem leszel kpes megbocstani magadnak, ha megbnst kutatsz, nem bocstasz meg msoknak, ha bosszt kvnsz. gy esel a szlets s hall krforgsnak csapdjba.

-         Ahogy n benned a Szeretet, gy kezdesz kapcsoldni Hozzm. Ha szerelmes leszel, eltvolodsz Tlem. Minl jobban szeretsz, annl ersebb lesz a kapcsolatod Velem.

-         Amikor rjssz, hogy a Kegyelmem a vletleneken keresztl jut el hozzd, akkor a szereteted nvekedni fog s a vletlenek csodkk vltoznak.

-         Keress egysget az n Szat, Csit termszetemmel, tltdj fel az Anandmmal. Azltal kapcsoldj, ami termszetesen jn, nem a sajt utadon jutsz el Hozzm, hanem az n Kegyelmem ltal.

-         Tudd, hogy minden valls az ltalam kinyilatkoztatott igazsgokon alapul. Ha leszlod brmelyiket, azzal Engem szlsz le s az eltleteidet fejezed ki Felm s az adott vallsba vetett hited hinyt.

-         n tlhaladom a felfogkpessgedet, ezrt csak rszben rthetsz meg.

-         A valls szemlyes. Vlasztd ki a vallsodat.

-         Minden az Enym. Kezeld mltn, amit rdbztam.

-         Tiszteld a nket s azonnal fogadhatod az ldsomat.

-         A tested nem a tid. Vigyzz r, ne lj vissza vele.

-         Egynileg s kollektvban fogadhatod az ldsomat. Ezrt imdkozz s fohszkodj Hozzm a szemlyes krseddel egyedl s a kzssg ignyvel kzssgben. Emlkezz, aktvan dolgozom a kzssg felemelkedsn, ahogy az egyn felemelkedsn is.

-         Lgy figyelmes s rszvtteljes azokkal, akik kevsb kivltsgosak, mint te.

-         Ha szenvedsz s megbocstasz, akkor Bennem tartzkodsz s n is benned. Az emberi termszeted Isteniv vlik.

-         Emlkezz r, hogy mennyire kedves vagy szmomra.

-         A szeretet a Birodalmam kulcsa.

-         Knnyebb kzelebb kerlni Hozzm a vilgban val lemondssal, mint a vilgrl val lemondssal.

-         Ha felfedezed a Teremtsem termszett, bkre s rmre tallsz.

-         Nem elg tudnod, hogy ltezem, szemlyesen is ismerned kell Engem. Elri a Muktit (Felbredst) aki ismer Engem szemlyesen.

-         Az lehet a legnagyobb rm szmodra, ha felfedezed a helyed a Tervemben s azon dolgozol, hogy beteljestsd az letfeladatod.

-         Akkor jn el a Kirlysgom, ha a te terved s az n tervem eggy vlik.

-         n vagyok a legnagyobb megmentd s a legkzelebbi bartod

-         Brmi trtnik az letedben, higgy Bennem

-         Ha a legteljesebb mrtkben hiszel Bennem, akkor tbb nem tekintesz a veled trtn dolgokra gy, mint „j” s „rossz”

-         Hidd el, hogy minden, ami az letedben trtnik, az n akaratom.

-         Hidd el, nem akarom szenvedni ltni a gyermekemet

-         Emlkezz r, mieltt brmi rm vagy bnat r, hogy egy porszem sem rinthet az engedlyem nlkl

-         Mieltt szidnl a gondjaid miatt, tudatostsd, hogy mindent elkvettem azrt, hogy az adott problma a lehet legkisebb legyen

-         Sokkal jobban szeretlek, mint brmelyik ember kpes lenne szeretni tged ezen a bolygn

-         Sokkal jobban trdm veled, mint brki ezen a bolygn

-         Jobban megldalak, mint brki ember kpes lenne itt

-         Vrom, hogy minden pillanatban beszlj Hozzm

-         Mg a hallod utn is veled utazom

-         Soha nem bntlak

-         Egyetlen knnycseppedet is figyelembe veszem

-         Mindent meg tudok adni neked, amit csak akarsz

-         Megoldom a problmidat

-         Naponta segtelek

-         Nagyon kzel tudok lenni hozzd

-         gy, mint Krisna s Kusaela

-         Megadhatom neked a Felbredst

-         Beteljesthetem a vgyaidat

-         A lehetetlent lehetsgess vltoztathatom

-         Segthetek neked akkor is, mikor az sszes ember elutast

-         Megadhatom neked az sszes szeretetet s trdst, amit kvnsz

-         Mire vrsz, gyere kzelebb Hozzm!

-         Azonnal elkezdhetsz bartknt kapcsoldni Hozzm

-         Oszd meg Velem a gondjaidat

-         Majd n elintzem




*The Mahavakyas of Sri Bhagavan*

_I am the Supreme Light; the Supreme Word; Supreme Friend; the Supreme Knowledge; the Supreme Intelligence; the Supreme Love; the Supreme Source; the Supreme Creator; the Supremely Sacred; the Supreme Immanent Inner Controller of all that is, the Immortal - I am Ishvara. I have from time to time let being from My Kingdom incarnate to further My Creation - I am Chit. My Body is Sat and My Shakti is Ananda whose nature is bliss. I am one, I am Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahman._

_I am the source of all Love and the Supreme Love._

_Formless as I am, the Antaryamin shall awaken formless inside you or in the form you desire or the form I choose, or I shall manifest to you outside again in the form you desire or the form I choose; for every Form is My Form and I am your Supreme Friend, if only you would seek Me with your whole heart._

_I shall reveal unto you now and here all that I have ever revealed to every prophet, saint, sage and mystic and to every people of all times._

_I have revealed directly and indirectly truths to different people in different places, in different times depending on their needs. I have never revealed all the truths to any one person in any one place and in any one time, except during the inauguration of the Golden Age._

_Remember, every time we met, I judged you as a friend but did not sit in judgment over you. You passed judgment over yourself even as passed judgment on others. Not able to forgive yourself you sought repentance, not able to forgive others you sought revenge. Thus you have been caught up in the cycle of births and deaths._

_As you rise in Love you start relating to Me. As you fall in Love you move away from Me. The more you love, the stronger is your relationship with Me._

_If you would realize that My Grace also comes to you as coincidence, then your love shall increase and the coincidences would become miracles._

_You could seek union with My Sat; or You could seek union with My Chit; or You could seek to be filled with My Ananda; You should seek what comes to you naturally; Not through your ways would you reach Me. It is only through My Grace you would reach Me._

_Remember, all religions are founded on truths revealed by Me. Remember, if you decry any religion, you decry Me and it reveals your ignorance, prejudice and your lack of feeling for the truth of that religion._

_I transcend your understanding because you comprehend Me only partially._

_Religion is personal. Choose your own religion._

_Everything is Mine; learn to hold it in trust for Me._

_Respect Women, and you would receive My Grace immediately._

_Your body is not your body, care for it. Do not abuse it._

_My Grace comes to you individually and collectively. Therefore worship and pray to Me individually as you desire and worship and pray to Me collectively, as desired collectively. Remember, I am active in the collective and work for transformation of the collective, even as I work for the transformation of the individual._

_Be considerate and compassionate to those less privileged than you._

_If you suffer and forgive, then you shall abide in Me and I shall abide in you. Your human nature would become Divine._

_Remember, you are very dear to Me._

_Love is the key to enter My Kingdom._

_It is easier to come closer to Me through renunciation in the world than through renunciation of the world._

_If you discover the nature of My Creation, then you will discover peace and bliss._

_It is not enough if you know that I exist, you must know Me personally. To know Me personally is to achieve Mukthi._

_Your greatest joy would be, to discover your place in My Scheme of things and work to fulfill your destiny._

_When My Will and your Will have become one, then My Kingdom would have come

I'm your supreme saviour and your closest friend ...

👉 Whatever happens in your life believe in me ...

👉 If U completely believe in me stop differentiating things that happen in your life as good and bad...

👉 Believe that whatever happens in your life is happening as per my wish ...

👉 Believe in me I can never see my child suffer ...

👉 Remember before each and every happiness or sadness happens to you not even a dust can touch you without my permission ...

👉 Before scolding me for the problem you are facing remember I have tried my level best and agreed to give you that problem as small as possible ...

👉 I love you more than any human could love you in this planet...

👉 I care for you more than any human could care for you in this planet...

👉 I bless you more than any human could bless you on this planet...

👉 I am waiting for you to talk with me each and every second...

👉 I can travel with you even after your death...

👉 I will never hurt you...

👉 I can't even bare your single tear...

👉 I can give you whatever you want...

👉 I can solve your problems...

👉 I can help you daily...

👉 I can be very close to you...

👉 like krishna and kusaela...

👉 I can give you mukthi...

👉 I can fulfil your desires...

👉 I can convert your impossible to possible...

👉 I can help when all humans rejected...

👉 I can give you the love care and affection for which your are longing...

👉 Still what hesitation do u have to come close to me ?

👉 Initally start relating to me as a friend...

👉 Share your problems with me ...

👉 I will take care of it ...




Pontos id
2023. December
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Induls: 2005-06-21

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